Residency Insight
Volume 5 - Issue 8       
Ryan Fitzgerald, DPM
Ryan Fitzgerald,

PRESENT RI Associate Editor
Hess Orthopedics &
Sports Medicine
Harrisonburg, Virginia

The Politics of Podiatry:
The Day After Tomorrow...

As I sit here writing this piece, I’ll be honest, I’m multitasking – its election night and the results are slowly seeping in. In the background on the screen there are multicolored maps, and TV pundits arguing geography, and the value of swing-states. In the last several months, it seems that the election season has reached a fever pitch, and there are many of us who are looking forward to the respite from political advertisements and the incessant discussion of who would be a better leader for this country.


We could discuss the merits of either candidate. However, by the time you’ll read this, it will already likely be done and the results will be certified. Frankly, I’m glad it's over, because now we can focus on the important issues that continue to face podiatric medicine from a legislative standpoint. It is my hope that those who have been elected tonight will partner with us to move our profession forward. The APMA states, “it is critical that we build relationships with elected officials at all levels of government in order to advance our public policy agenda.” With each election, we are given a new opportunity to develop these relationships to make new progress in our advocacy in pursuit of the major policy issues affecting podiatric medicine.

Podiatry is Now Represented in Congress

Two podiatrists ran excellent campaigns to achieve elected congressional position. Brad Wenstrup, DPM(R) successfully defeated his democratic rival William R. Smith in Ohio's 2nd Congressional District on Tuesday, making him the first podiatrist ever in the US Congress. Dr. Wenstrup was a combat surgeon in Iraq and will represent podiatry well in the Republication lead house in Washington. His resounding victory was most notable for his winning 60% of the vote. Lee Rogers, DPM(D) made a valiant effort to unseat 10 term incumbent congressman Howard “Buck” McKeon in 25th Congressional District in Southern California. With 93 percent of the districts tallied, McKeon received 92,628 votes, while Rogers had 74,322. Dr. Rogers did gather more support than the last two Democratic challengers for the position. Change takes great effort and persistence, both of which Lee Rogers, DPM showed in this remarkable campaign. I hope he is willing to try again next time.

A review, tonight, of the APMA's Federal Advocacy website demonstrates a number of issues that we continue to face as a profession, and it is important that each of us be fully educated on these legislative updates to know where we stand.

The Letter of Condolence: A lost Art?

Election night always reminds me of the benefit of participatory government, and how unique and blessed we are to have the opportunity to effect a positive change with our actions.  As the tide of this election crests and life beings to return to some semblance of normalcy, I encourage each of you to reach out to your elected officials, introduce yourself, and educate them on podiatric medicine and surgery.  YOU are our greatest advocate, and as former U.S. Speaker of the House Tip O'Neill said, "All politics is local."

Ryan Fitzgerald


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