As I mentioned before, I do quite a bit of wound care and hospital consultation work. As such, I’ve had a reasonable number of patients to whom I’ve recommended transmetatarsal amputations. Unless it’s a clear-cut case of gangrene or an emergent surgery, convincing a patient to have this procedure can be difficult. More than once, I’ve watched a patient’s eyes glaze over for a minute after I tell them that they need this procedure. This is a case that requires a mixture of tact with a generous helping of honesty thrown in. They learn the risks of not having the surgery (essentially limb loss or death), the alternatives (more proximal foot amps or leg amputation), and the benefits (continual ambulation on the limb and improved life expectancy). One tactful tool is not using the word “amputation” at the beginning of the conversation. I use euphemisms like “remove the front of your foot.”
On the other hand, you can’t be evasive, even if you’re trying to spare your patient emotional pain. Early in practice I had a patient with a gas-producing foot infection that I I&D’d. The patient’s sister later became upset with me because I did not use the word “gangrene” when I discussed the infection with the family. The sister felt she had not been given the entire picture. Telling her there was gas in the foot was not enough information for her to appreciate the problem.
As physicians, the hardest part of the job is not the technical aspect, but rather the emotional and psychological components of our patients. Every patient is different, requiring different approaches. This is part of the “art of medicine” that takes time to develop. What’s your approach? Are you brutally honest with all patients? Do you take a modest approach? What works for you?
When all else fails, fall back on the golden rule. Ask yourself this: How would you want to be spoken to by your doctor if you were the patient?
Jarrod Shapiro, DPM
PRESENT New Docs Editor
[email protected]
***Bunions DO come from shoes***
Numerous anthropological studies done over the last 25 years demonstrate that there is a low level [4 - 7%] inherent incidence of bunions, hammertoes, etc. in societies prior to their introduction to western style foot wear. This increases to the rates we see in industrialized, westernized societies of 75-85% of foot deformities.
Whether or not the deformities are painful, as well as their development, is an interplay between nature [genetics] and nurture [shoes].
Despite what you may have been taught, shoes DO contribute, if not cause, bunions.
H. David Gottlieb, DPM
Chief Podiatry Surgical Resident
Veterans Affairs Maryland Healthcare System
[email protected]
Editor’s Response:
A convincing argument you pose, Dr. Gottlieb, in spite of the fact that you missed the overall point of the editorial. Sometimes you have to simplify things a bit for readability. In spite of my inherent distrust for anthropological research (that particular field of “science” has very questionable methods) I’ll take your figures at face value. I wonder, though, what populations were studied? Are they societies with a low penetrance of certain genes? We see in practice that certain groups of people have a higher incidence of this disorder. How many families have you seen where multiple members have bunions? If there’s not a genetic component to these folks then educate me on what it really is. They’re not all wearing the same shoes I hope!
I actually do agree with your statement above about the interplay between genetics and shoes. We know from the podiatric biomechanical research that certain “foot types” predispose individuals to various pathologies (genetics) and that shoes may worsen the condition (environment).
--Jarrod Shapiro, DPM
***Surgical cases and board certification***
I just joined someone as an associate for a one year contract. I still have not had medicare or any private insurances contract yet. Therefore I am told that I can only be the primary assistant in the operative report as well as the hospital booking in order for my boss to get paid. My question to you is will I be able to use those cases toward board certification or do I need to be the surgeon in the operative report in order to have those surgical cases be considered even though I will be the one who does all the surgery?
Khanhmei Wong, DPM
[email protected]