A New Year for New Docs

by Jarrod Shapiro, DPM
Joined Mountain View Medical & Surgical Associates of Madras, Oregon July 2008

Welcome to all new residents and those of you who are returning for another year of training.  I’m Jarrod Shapiro, DPM and I’ve been writing the weekly New Docs on the Block column for 2 years now.  In fact, this is my 98th issue…we’re due for a centennial celebration in two weeks !

You are welcome to scan through the issues from the last 2 years…here’s a LINK to them.  You’ll see issues on a great variety of topics geared to the interests of young podiatrists who are involved in the process of learning how to become an effective and valuable contributor to a podiatry practice. 

Here are LINKS to the last 10 issues:

We encourage participation by readers like YOU here at News Docs.  Please feel free to email me with any ideas or responses to my articles.  We also accept case presentations, so if you see a cool case, whip out that digital camera, snap a few shots of it, and send them in and we’ll help you to share them with residents all around the country.

Next week, I’ll have much more to tell you about my move to Oregon and the new practice I’m working in.

Jarrod Shapiro, DPM
PRESENT New Docs Editor
[email protected]

This program is supported by an
educational grant from STRATA DIAGNOSTICS