As many of you know, PRESENT Courseware for Resident Education is growing at a very fast pace. Our 140 lecture on-line curriculum, newly updated for the new residency year, is now part of the academic structure at over 90% of the nation's podiatric residency programs and our website has already hosted over 48,000 lecture viewings, often in groups of two or three. We are very proud to continue to make this resource available to you and want to make sure that you know all the best ways to take advantage of it. So take a look... |
A Quick Review of PRESENT Courseware
The PRESENT lecture bank is the foundation of the entire program. We will be upgrading the platform which runs the lectures later in the year and we think you will notice many improvements. We've also made additions, deletions and improvements to the curriculum for the 2008-2009 residency year. Keep in mind that when viewing a lecture, you have several additional resources available to you such as references for further research, the ability to read a bio of the author, the option of sending the author an email question or comment, and in some cases, the text transcript of the lecture. Introduced July 2005, PRESENT Courseware provides a system by which you can view our online lectures in an orderly and progressive nature.
PRESENT Courseware Curriculum
The Curriculum is designed for a 2 or 3 year residency program with minimal overlap to emphasize key learning points. Although we recommend that your program utilize the Curriculum as a 'course plan' for viewing the lectures, you should remember that ALL of the lectures are available to you at anytime you wish to view them.
We publish several weekly eNewsletters to help you best utilize PRESENT. On Sunday nights, you will receive This Week in Podiatric Residency Education, which briefly reviews the assigned lectures for 1st, 2nd and 3rd year residents, and provides LINKs to view them. You also always have the option of logging in to the lecture portal at https://session.podiatry.com/residency where you will see a copy of the This Week eNewsletter and the catalog of all PRESENT lectures to select from. On Tuesday nights, you will receive the eZine New Docs on the Block, This is written by popular online PRESENT editor Jarrod Shapiro, DPM, who shares his insight on what you need to know to become an effective practicing podiatrist. On Wednesday night, Residency Insight will show up in your email InBox. This great resource contains helpful hints, discussions, and case presentations. Finally, innovative biomechanics guru Ed Glaser, DPM, Founder of Sole Supports, publishes Biomechanically Grounded monthly, to keep you abreast of new concepts in the mechanical treatment of your patients.
One key goal for 2008-2009 is to expand the role of PRESENT Courseware as a residency community resource. We would like to facilitate more interaction between programs and exchange of ideas through topics, cases, and opinion polls. Much of this will be directed through the weekly Residency Insight mailings, but I encourage you to send me any thoughts you may have at anytime via [email protected].
Thanks for participating in this new educational resource and we look forward to a great year.