The theme for this year's scientific meeting was "riding the wave of excellence," and I believe all of the nearly 1500 podiatric physicians in attendance will agree that this year's conference was a huge success.
"This is the premier meeting that has the latest science, technology, and research in the field of podiatric medicine–clearly this is the place to be"
—Ross Taubman, DPM, APMA President
The meeting began Thursday with the sounds of Mike Rayburn,
a well-known guitar virtuoso and comedian, who
kept us laughing and cheering with such bits as "Led Zeppelin performing Dr. Seuss." The days were then filled with academic meetings along three tracts varying from new surgical techniques to innovations in diabetes
management, each lecturing being given by renowned leaders in the field of podiatric medicine and surgery.
In between scientific sessions, conference attendees had the opportunity to visit the grand exhibit hall (see photos below) which was filled with hundreds of companies whose support of podiatric medicine and surgery continues to allow us to progress and develop new technologies and techniques for the management of lower extremity conditions.
Thursday evening, guests had the opportunity to enjoy a truly Hawaiian tradition–a luau–where native foods such as poi, kalua pig, poke, and lomi lomi salmon were enjoyed while performers entertained assembled guests with an unforgettable displace of the songs and dances native to Hawaii and the Polynesian islands.
Amidst the scientific lectures, Friday afternoon brought the Podiatric Practice Management Hall of Fame Luncheon with the induction of Dr. David Armstrong, DPM, PhD, and Ms. Faye Frankfort. Each inductee’s individual accomplishments and contributions to the field of podiatric
medicine were recognized in a ceremony that was touching, and at times hilarious, as both Dr. Armstrong and Ms. Frankfort were roasted by their peers.
The hall of fame luncheon raised $35,000 for the APMA educational foundation’s student endowment and was heralded as a momentous success. During his acceptance remarks, Dr. Armstrong, noted to be the youngest inductee into the hall of fame, thanked the assembled crowd and reminded us all that we are members of a greater family –our profession—and that our strength lies in our unity. Together, we will work together to face the challenges of the future.
My time spent at the 2008 APMA scientific meeting was filled with new experiences. I had the great opportunity to listen to the leaders in our profession speak passionately about those facets of their practices which inspire them. I discovered new and delicious foods–if you ever have the opportunity to try lomi lomi salmon, go for it. You won’t be disappointed. Most of all, however, I enjoyed the fellowship with my fellow podiatric physicians and surgeons. We ARE a family, as Dr. Armstrong reminded us, and being a part of The National, getting to connect with old friends, and having the opportunity to make new ones only reinforced that idea. All to often I fear that we allow ourselves to be separated by both real (or perceived) boundaries that limit our camaraderie and weaken us as a group. This was not so in Hawaii, and it is my hope that each of us will return to our lives bringing the spirit of “Ohana” –the Hawaiian word for family—with us.
Following this article, please enjoy some more photos from this incredible Hawaiian experience...