Larry's Story - Don’t Let Diabetes Knock You Off Your Feet

PRESENT Podiatry News Flash   June 1, 2020

What are people saying about Orpyx SI? We truly believe that the best treatment plan for diabetic foot ulcers is to prevent them from happening in the first place.

Hear Larry discuss his personal experience with diabetes and how the Orpyx SI Sensory Insoles helped him stay active, manage and prevent diabetic foot ulcers from reoccurring.

“I went through the first program with Orpyx and I could not believe what I found out about diabetes in your feet. Because the pain from diabetes is - I've had lots of pains. For gosh sakes pay attention to it and if you're diabetic, act like you're diabetic - go start solving the problems. If you've got an iPhone, you can keep track of what's going on your feet all the time and believe you and me, you need it all the time.”

Mr. Larry, Orpyx SI Customer

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