Don Pelto, DPM Interviews Christopher Bromley, DPM About Regenerative Treatments in Podiatry

In this interview, Christopher Bromley, DPM goes over a few questions about practice management and regenerative medicine. We specifically discuss the use and importance of diagnostic ultrasound with plantar fasciitis.

This is a podiatry practice mastery group to talk about effective practice management tips. The format will include a short presentation about a topic and then we will divide up into Breakout rooms to talk to one another and learn from one another. The sessions will usually be about 1 hour. They will usually occur on the 1st Wednesday of each month at 12:30pm EST. There is no charge to attend these Group Sessions.
Here is a list of tentative future topics:
- Protocols for Plantar Fasciitis
- Tips for Making YouTube Videos
- Protocols for Diagnostic Ultrasound
- Tips for Setting up Educational Patient Webinars
- Tips and Protocols for Shockwave Therapy
- Tips for Patient Communication and Gaining Online Reviews
- Protocols for Achilles Tendonitis
**Space is limited**
Click HERE to Register. There is no charge to attend these Group Sessions.

There are 1 comments for this article
Very helpful! Since this isn’t CME, can you please provide listeners with brand names for products? What human allograft are you using for $250 per 0.5cc? Who’s your orthotic company?